V.E. Day

Tuesday 8th May, 1945

Field Marshall Keitel signs Germany’s final act of capitulation.

We had our 8th Army News delivered which said “TODAY IS VICTORY IN EUROPE DAY – OFFICIAL”. It was a peculiar sensation one did not know what to do. Jock Dave & Ron as arranged went to venice & I went to work had a bad time but managed to fit up a wireless to hear the official announcement by the P.M. & we then all led by Capt. Randall gave three very hearty cheers & al had a drink of whisky. In the evening had one or two drinks but was not tight as anticipated had a rotten time during the night & got to bed at 0230 after having been visited by various people offering one drinks out of bottles etc. Things do not seem much different & yet the atmosphere is different. What is to happen now I don’t know but we are to move to Udaine soon & I believe a great sort out will take place.